Red Zinfandel vs White Zinfandel: Differences Explained

Although both are made from the same dark-skinned purple grape that originated in Croatia, Red Zinfandel and White Zinfandel differ in process and harvest, flavor and popularity. Let’s take a closer look at what separates the rich Red from its rosy White offspring. Red Zinfandel vs White Zinfandel: Process Before the late 1940s, only Red […]

Red Zinfandel vs White Zinfandel: Differences Explained Read More »

What’s White Zinfandel? Flavor Profile, Pairing Tips & History: Brief Guide

The many varieties of wine on the market may be confusing for some people to understand. For example, why is White Zinfandel a red wine, despite its name? Why are some sweet and some dry? This unique blend is a perfect example of the diversity common throughout the wine world. As one of the most popular

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