Dry Red

Apothic Red Wine: A Review

Apothic Wine produces surprisingly tasty, low-cost wines that fit the budget market almost perfectly. In addition, they create a broad range of different wine options, each of which is fascinating and filled with many potential options. I will review the general overall taste, texture, and much more of Apothic Red Winemaker’s Red from California, a blended […]

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Pinot Noir vs Cabernet Sauvignon vs Merlot: Which Red Wine Is For Me?

Getting into red wines can be a challenging experience because they all have different taste profiles. For example, a Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, or a Merlot look very similar in a way that reality does not support once you start to examine them. In other words, they all taste quite differently and come from very different

Pinot Noir vs Cabernet Sauvignon vs Merlot: Which Red Wine Is For Me? Read More »

Red Wine Sweetness Chart

Did you know that sweet wine drying techniques date back to the eighth century and were created primarily as a way to increase the lifespan of a bottle of wine? It’s true! However, these wines have become some of the most popular options around the world, particularly in the luscious sweet red variety. Here’s what you need

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