The Ultimate Guide To Blush Wine

Blush wine is pretty popular! Drinking it is a cinch, it works with the vast majority of meals and the color is very satisfying to look at. 

Interested in learning more about this delectable wine? Here’s your complete guide to blush wine, including information about the main traits and some random facts to know. Without further ado, here’s all the info you could possibly need!

The Ultimate Guide To Blush Wine

Blush Wine In A Nutshell

Blush may suggest that the color is pink, but in truth, it can come in a wide spectrum of different shades. It usually looks quite clear, regardless of what grape color is used.

The main thing that determines the wine’s color is how the juice is combined with the skin of the wine.

Basically, blush wine is often either made with a blend of white and red wine, or they will let the red wine skins hang around the clear juice for roughly an hour. If they do this, they can then in turn determine what color the wine is going to be.

Is There A Difference Between Rose And Blush?

Most often, people tend to assume that rose and blush wine are the same. Sure, they have a lot of common characteristics but there are some clear distinctions between the two.

The main thing to note is that every rose wine consists of clear juice that then makes contact with the skins of the grape in question. Unlike blush wines, rose wines aren’t made from combining white and red wines.

Blush wines can be made with either of these techniques. In that case, a rose wine could in theory be a blush wine but not every blush wine is a rose wine.

You do generally tend to see the word rose used more often than blush, of course. Blush wines are generally geared towards the mainstream market. Rose wines are usually more expensive, smaller and are designed for the wine connoisseur. 

Blush Wines: The Main Traits

You will often find that pink wines are quite similar to white wines in many respects. They usually have more body and are very fresh, which sometimes means that they are labelled as wines for the summer.

Some of them have a richer color that resembles red wine, and they sometimes are very similar in terms of their makeup.

New world and old world blush wines differ quite a lot, too. An old world wine usually has a lot more alcohol than those you would see being manufactured today. If you prefer something sweet then new world blush wines tend to be the superior choice.

These wines can taste and smell delicious, though if made incorrectly, they can smell and taste pretty boring. As such, they need to be made in the correct way, with the proper balance of alcohol, sugar and acid.

This will help to draw out the complex nature of the wine without making it too strong.

Variety Of Blush Wine In Glasses

Varieties Of Blush And Rose Wines

There are a number of blush wines in the United States that you are likely to see quite often on the shelves, such as White Merlot, White Zinfandel and White Grenache.

These may sound like white wines, but they aren’t. They are merely wines that have been made by combining red wine juice with red skins. This is how they become pink in color.

There are even more kinds of rose wines, such as rose of Sangiovese and pink Champagne.

How To Serve

You need to make sure that you serve these wines at the proper temperatures otherwise they aren’t going to taste as good. Namely, they should be served between 40 to 45 degrees.

Some wines are a bit more dry and complex such as rose, in which case you can get away with serving it a little warmer – still, it shouldn’t be served warmer than 48 degrees. In most cases, blush wine should come in a wine glass with a stem in the bottom.

What To Pair With Blush Wine

Blush wine is very light in flavor, meaning that it can go with a wide variety of different foods. It works particularly well with fish like salmon and lobster.

You can also serve it with Italian food made out of red sauces, like bolognese and lasagna. It works well with goat cheese and barbecue too.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should Blush Wine Be Chilled?

In most cases, yes. It’s important to ensure that you chill blush wine since it’s a light and fruity wine, so it tastes better when it’s cold. Try to store it between 40 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit for the best results.

Likewise, don’t serve it too cold since it can dull the flavors. Making sure that it’s served at the perfect temperature will mean that you get the best taste and texture.

Does Blush Wine Go Bad? 

Like with any kind of wine, blush wine can go bad. Make sure that you always check the label for the expiration date, as this will give you the best indication of how long you have before you need to toss it out.

Wine will generally last much longer if it has not been opened, and you can make it last even longer by storing it in the correct conditions. The expiry date will vary depending on the wine in question, how it was made and various other factors. 

Can You Cook With Blush Wine?

Indeed you can – blush wine is often overlooked in recipes, but it can add a lot of much needed flavor to a dish. Make sure that you are using it in the correct dish and you are using the right wine. Blush wine is a great choice for cooking with, in short.

How Many Calories Are In A Glass Of Blush Wine?

This ultimately depends on the blush wine in question. Wines with a higher alcohol content or wines that have been made in a certain way will usually have more calories, but it’s usually best to check the label of the wine that you are going to drink since it’s highly variable.

Whatever the case, don’t let calories stop you from enjoying a glass of blush wine with your dinner! It’s okay to have a treat every once in a while, just ensure that you are drinking in moderation and you will be fine.


Blush and rose wine can be made with pretty much any variety of red wine, so blush wines are increasingly popular on the market. There will always be something new for you to experiment with, and they may even become a staple in your wine cooler.

Hopefully this guide can help you to know all that you can about blush wine so your next dinner party is a complete success!

Emma Miller